Tuesday, August 27, 2019

MIS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

MIS - Assignment Example One is able to follow through the procedure where the supply supplies the business goods and they are paid by the accounts clerk. On receiving the goods, the store is updated (ordered) and the good s available for sale can be sold to a customer. Note that the same location may be shown on successive processes (e.g. Order Clerk in the case of processes 1 and 3). The reason for breaking them down is to show that a decision is taken and the second process is dependent on that. In this case, for example, not ALL orders result in activation of the reorder process - only those where the order requires new stock to be ordered. When creating the DFD caution has to be excised when balancing the data flows. For instance once the store is out of stock, more goods are ordered then purchased. Similarly, numbering system is just a simple way that enables one to tell which processes decompose.It is important to note that those process that decompose are simply broken down but may be joined again at a higher level. Though the diagram does not give a detailed account of some other processes such as what would happen in the event that a credit check fails, it gives a general idea of what basically happens when transactions are made within the business

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